Friday, September 29, 2023

Fall Diaries ... Rolling! 2023! Action!

Cometh Fall and the Madhouse (my drama doll) demands attention. Starting off ... I got the heating system tuned up for sweater weather. A couple weeks ago, the HVAC powered off and the emergency tech went up the attic for a good hundred bucks or so to find a ghoul with spattergroit (just kidding!) ... a blocked condensation line. A Fall tune up followed a couple weeks later and the line was blown again just in case even though it won't be use much when the heat comes on. The guy changed filters for the furnace in the basement and a return vent upstairs. For the rest, we'd beg our brother. I like these tech visits. The attic entrance is through my father's bedroom ceiling. And for all the misery he causes me ... MUAHAHAHA! ... I like his privacy (for secret phone calls) getting disturbed when a baskteball player height of a technician drops in with an 8 foot ladder! So the system check is complete for winter wonderland. 

A regular day of running groceries. Made beautiful by a gorgeous a Fall scape! Why can’t it always be Fall?

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